Welcome to Emma Louise Dance Club
Emma Louise Dance Club opened in 2006
We offer fun dance and fitness classes for children and adults in Wigtownshire, Dumfries and Galloway
Office Hours: Wed 1pm-3pm | Thu 10am-2pm
#emmalouisedanceclub | #eldcdancefamily
#wigtownshiredanceschool | #danceschoolwigtownshire

Keep In Touch
Contact Us
Contact Emma Louise Dance Club. We are always happy to help with your enquiries.
Sharing is caring. Like the Emma Louise Dance Club Facebook Page for latest news and information.
Follow our dance adventures on Instagram #ELDCDanceFamily
Did you know Emma Louise Dance Club is on YouTube? Visit YouTube to watch our videos and subscribe to our chanel.
Emma Louise Dance Club is on TikTok. Follow us and duet our dance challenges.